Tackling Twisted Knees: An Osteopath’s Kick-about with Sprained Ligaments

Tackling Twisted Knees: An Osteopath’s Kick-about with Sprained Ligaments

Hey there, fellow footie enthusiasts! So, you were on the pitch weaving through opponents like Messi when you twisted your knee. Now you’re hobbling like you’ve just discovered your inner penguin. Sound familiar? Or maybe you weren’t on the pitch. Maybe it was a dodgy dance move, a laundry related lurch, or a fitness attempt fiasco… Whatever it is, that twisted knee hurts and the osteopaths at Altona Meadows Osteopathy are here to help. In the meantime, we’re diving headfirst into the world of sprained ligaments in the knee, unpacking what exactly happens when your knee decides to do its own rendition of the twist and shout. Read on for more information…

Understanding the Injury

So, what exactly is going on? The knee is a complex network of bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage – all working together in harmony—until, of course, a rogue twist throws everything out of sync. 

The most common knee injuries among football players typically involve the ligaments. When you twist your knee, the ligaments—the tough bands of tissue that connect your bones—are stretched beyond their usual range of motion. This can result in a sprain, which ranges from mild to severe depending on the extent of the damage.  The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the medial collateral ligament (MCL) take the top spots on the injury leaderboard. The ACL, located deep within the knee joint, helps stabilise the knee during movements like cutting and pivoting—actions that are all too familiar on the football field. Meanwhile, the MCL, located on the inner side of the knee, is often injured during collisions or sudden changes in direction. Other frequent offenders include meniscal tears, which occur when the cartilage cushioning the knee joint is torn due to twisting or hyperextension, and patellar tendonitis, a.k.a. jumper’s knee, caused by overuse and repetitive stress on the patellar tendon. These injuries can range from minor nuisances to season-ending setbacks. Players at all levels need to think about injury prevention and management. Because it’s not just your Friday night footie at stake, is it? It’s work, and family responsibilities – it’s your life. But fear not because help is at hand!

Enter the Osteopath

Armed with our extensive knowledge of the musculoskeletal system, the osteopaths here at Altona Meadows will join your team, helping your body bounce back from the twists and turns of life—literally.

How? We’ll start with a careful assessment of your knee, pinpointing the exact location and severity of the injury, and the knock-on effects to your biomechanics. From there, we’ll use a combination of hands-on techniques, tailored exercises, and tailored advice to help you regain strength, flexibility, and confidence in your knee.

But osteopathy isn’t just about fixing what’s broken; it’s also about preventing future injuries and optimising your performance on the pitch. By addressing underlying imbalances and weaknesses in your body, an osteopath can help you move more freely, perform better and generally enjoy the game more.


So, if you’ve found yourself doing the knee-twist shuffle one too many times, why not reach out to us? Our team of experienced osteopaths is here to help you get back on your feet (quite literally) and back in the game. Give us a call at (03) 8360 8363 to make an appointment.  Because life’s too short to let a twisted knee keep you benched.

And hey, while you’re at it, why not give us a follow on social media? We’re on Facebook and Instagram. Stay up to date with the latest tips, tricks, and knee-saving hacks from the comfort of your timeline. Together, we’ll kick those twisted knees to the curb and score some serious goals—both on and off the pitch.

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