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Treatment for pelvic pain

Pelvic pain can be caused by a wide variety of conditions. Osteopaths can help with pain caused by trauma or repetitive strain. Muscles from the abdomen and lower limbs attach to the pelvis and overuse or overexertion of these regions can result in pelvic injury and pain.

Your osteopath will work with you to determine the cause of your pain and decide on a course of treatment.

Common pelvic injuries include:

  • Osteitis Pubis – inflammation of the pubic bone
  • Sacroiliac joint pain and inflammation
  • Pelvic instability with pregnancy
  • Inguinal hernia.

Symptoms of pelvic pain may include:

  • localised pain and tenderness on the pubic bone
  • pain on abdominal contraction e.g coughing, turning in bed, bearing down or when going to the toilet
  • groin pain
  • pain in the buttocks and down the back of the leg.

Osteopaths may help your pelvic pain by:

  • improving muscular flexibility in the region
  • improving joint range of motion in the low back, hips and pelvis
  • maintaining correct alignment of the lower back and pelvis
  • providing advice on maintaining flexibility and strength around the pelvis.

Your osteopath may also suggest you see a GP for any additional medications or treatment.

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