
Been Told You Need a Hip Replacement? Don’t Panic – Your Osteopath Is Here to Help!

Been Told You Need a Hip Replacement? Don’t Panic – Your Osteopath is Here to Help!

Are you facing the daunting prospect of a hip replacement? It’s been said that hips don’t lie, but they certainly creak and groan sometimes. Before you commit to orthopaedic surgery, consider how osteopathy might be able to help.  At Altona Meadows Osteopathy, our experienced osteopaths are here to help you improve your hip health. If …

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Tackling Twisted Knees: An Osteopath’s Kick-about with Sprained Ligaments

Tackling Twisted Knees: An Osteopath’s Kick-about with Sprained Ligaments

Hey there, fellow footie enthusiasts! So, you were on the pitch weaving through opponents like Messi when you twisted your knee. Now you’re hobbling like you’ve just discovered your inner penguin. Sound familiar? Or maybe you weren’t on the pitch. Maybe it was a dodgy dance move, a laundry related lurch, or a fitness attempt …

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All About Disc Injuries: An Osteopath's Perspective

All About Disc Injuries: An Osteopath’s Perspective

Disc injuries, though often underestimated, can significantly impact quality of life. From gradual wear and tear to severe extrusion or sequestration, the journey of a disc injury encompasses various stages, each presenting its own set of challenges. The osteopaths at Altona Meadows Osteopathy have witnessed firsthand the complexities of these injuries and understand the potential …

All About Disc Injuries: An Osteopath’s Perspective Read More »

Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Comprehensive Guide

Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our exploration of Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis (JIS), a condition that affects children and adolescents. If you suspect your child has scoliosis, please call us on (03) 8360 8363. The osteopaths at Altona Meadows Osteopathy are here to help. In the meantime, let’s understand what’s going on… Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis Overview: Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis …

Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »

Type 2 Diabetes and Osteopatic Care

Type 2 Diabetes and Osteopathic Care

Type 2 diabetes is a widespread, acquired metabolic disorder. In a nutshell – it’s all about insulin; insulin resistance or inadequate insulin production, which messes with your blood sugar, which is bad news. (More on why later.) If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes, you might not immediately think of osteopathic care. And we …

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All About Quadricep Strains

All About Quadricep Strains

So, you’ve strained one of your quadriceps… Firstly, ouch – we know that can be a real pain. But we want to reassure you that with the right knowledge and some help from an osteopath, you’ll be back on your feet in no time.

Don't put up with pain or discomfort...